Colonoscopy Plan

Colorectal cancer is one of the commonest cancers as well as the leading cause of death in both sexes. However, it is also one of the most preventable types of cancer. Although patients may have no specific symptoms, but they may experience some common clinical presentation of colorectal cancer include change of bowel habit, abnormality of stool observed (narrow-shaped / red or dark blood in stool), abdominal pain, fatigue etc. 

Most cases of colorectal cancer start as a polyp, which is an abnormal growth on the wall of the large bowel. Colonoscopy can help to prevent colorectal cancer by detecting and removing the polyps before they turn into cancer. This screening test can also be used to look for other diseases or conditions such as diverticular disease, colitis, ulcerative colitis, haemorrhoids, inflammation and ulcers.

Who should have Colonoscopy?

According to colorectal cancer screening recommendations made by the Cancer Expert Working Group on Cancer Prevention and Screening, individuals with higher risk refer to persons with significant family history, such as those with an immediate relative diagnosed with colorectal cancer at or below 60 years of age; or those who have more than one immediate relatives diagnosed with colorectal cancer irrespective of age at diagnosis; or those who have immediate relatives diagnosed with hereditary bowel diseases. It is recommended that "high risk" people, depending on their individual condition and age, should undergo invasive investigation, such as colonoscopy regularly in order for the colon wall to be inspected directly and accurately.

For individuals with average risk aged 50 to 75, they can opt for a first time colonoscopy to check for their tendency to develop polyp so as to stratify their future risk and to devise a tailor made follow-up plan. 

For any individuals who have symptoms such as persistent abdominal pain, change in bowel motion and rectal bleeding, they should also consider to undergo a colonoscopy for prompt diagnosis at any age. Patients who have tested positive for faecal occult blood (FOB) should consider colonoscopy for further investigation.

What is included in Colonoscopy Plan?

Our plan covers the performance of the procedure under Monitored Anaesthesia Care (MAC) which is a form of sedation that put patients to sleep. Patients will be able to breathe on their own without the need of a ventilator or breathing tube. Normally patients can speedily recover after the procedure is completed. In recent years, MAC has gained wide acceptance and become a popular choice of sedation for patients who undergo colonoscopy due to its higher comfort level.

Fibreoptic colonoscopy will be performed so to allow direct viewing of the lumen of the entire colon from rectum to cecum. This method of examination of the colonic mucosa not only permits visualization of many abnormalities that escape radiographic and sigmoidoscopic detection, but also facilitate the removal of polyps and biopsy of lesions for further testing / investigation. 

Our all-inclusive fee includes the doctor's procedure charges, facility charges, all material costs and pathology fees for any number of polyps and biopsies. Our specialist will meet the client at the pre-procedure consultation in order to carefully understand his / her medical history and aetiology, analyse whether a colonoscopy is suitable to the client, and explain the process and precautions in detail should the colonoscopy is recommended. At the follow-up consultation, our specialist will entail detailed explanation of testing results and advice on the management plan for the client.

Reference: Non-communicable Disease Branch of Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health, HK. "Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Screening."September 2019.


Check-up Items

  • Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC)
  • Instrument Fee for Polypectomy
  • Physician's Fee (With or without Polyp or Biopsy)
  • Operation Theatre Fee
  • Pathology Fee
  • Photo Report
  • Pre-Consultation Fee
  • Post-operative Report Interpretation





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